Jardin des Supplices / L'Oeuvre au Noir
Infamous Xaphan returns with a B.M. project called "Jardin des Supplices", old school Black Metal cult vomiting hate against the eastern religions...
Apart from the intro, the following 3 tracks were initially intented for the 2nd (unreleased) album of Hayras.
It remained an instrumental recording, which later inspired Xaphan to write lyrics, add his voice and own concept, giving birth to this new project.
Somewhere between Hayras, Seigneur Voland and old Osculum Infame.
"L'Oeuvre au Noir" is a new French Black Metal band that essentially sets to music great sulphurous authors of literature (Lautréamont, Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde, Bukowski ...) as well as great esoteric texts. " Nigredo " is the first release of "L'Oeuvre au Noir".
From raw B.M. to ambient parts, with notable vocal performance.